Seloart CEO provides free accommodation for staff

Transportation is every worker’s nightmare. Try speaking to ten workers in Ghana and you may get about seven lamenting about the cost and inconvenience of daily transportation to work.

But for employees of Seloart Group-The Sign Company, transportation will no longer be a bane as their CEO has dared to provide a lasting solution to this challenge.

Meet Selorm Betepe, the Ghanaian entrepreneur providing free accommodation for his employees.

The workers hostel under construction which is only 5 minutes walk to the Seloart factory has come as good news for both employees of Seloart and other workers, many of whom have described the act as kind and innovative. 

The Seloart 30 bed workers’ hostel facility under construction

Sharing the news on his Facebook page, CEO of Seloart said:

“This year, I am celebrating my colleagues at Seloart. This is my gift to them. This is a 30 bed workers hostel, fully furnished with electricity and water supply for field workers and factory hands for free. The initiative is to reduce the cost of transportation for workers. Some team members commute almost 4 to 5 hours to work daily and it was affecting productivity.”

Established in 2005, Seloart Group-The Sign Company has provided sign writing, design and general branding works for their over 200 clients worldwide.

The commissioning of the workers’ hostel is proposed for the end of May 2022.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Avatar

    Aww this is a great initiative.
    This is so good and I’m very happy he took this step.
    God bless him very much.

    1. Akorfa Akoto
      Akorfa Akoto

      Yes, it is!

  2. Avatar
    Jewell Bon-Irema

    Wow! Impressive!

    1. Akorfa Akoto
      Akorfa Akoto

      Very! Hopefully, many more companies take a cue from this.

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